Research Article | Volume: 3, Issue: 1, Jan-Feb, 2015

In vitro plant regeneration in Capsicum chinense Jacq. (Naga Chili)

Rahul P. RajV. D. GlintK. Nirmal Babu   

Open Access   

Published:  Feb 27, 2015

DOI: 10.7324/JABB.2015.3106

An in vitro plantlet regeneration protocol was developed for Capsicum chinense Jacq. Naga Chili, one of the world’s hottest chili cultivars and an important horticultural crop of Northeast India. In vitro propagation plays a major role in conservation of genetically pure plants, crop improvement and production of disease free planting materials. The effect of different compositions of plant growth regulators on multiple shoot development and callus induction was investigated. Multiple shoot was induced by culturing explants in MS medium supplemented with Benzyl adenine (BA) in combination with Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). Maximum numbers of shoot buds were induced in MS medium containing 5 mgl-1 BA and 0.5 mgl-1 IAA. Successful induction of callus from stem segments of in vitro raised plants were achieved in MS medium in combination with 3 mgl-1Benzyl adenine (BA) and 1 mgl-1 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA).Shoot elongation and rooting were achieved in MS basal medium. This is the first successful report of plant regeneration from calluses in Capsicum chinense Jacq. Naga Chili. This protocol can be used as a cost effective method for the production of disease free planting materials and for genetic improvement and conservation of the crop.

Keyword:     MicropropagationCallus inductionCapsicum chinenseNaga Chili.


Rahul P. Raj, Glint V. D., K. Nirmal Babu. Plant regeneration in Capsicum chinense Jacq. cv. Naga King Chili in vitro. J App Biol Biotech, 2015; 3 (01): 030-033. DOI: 10.7324/JABB.2015.3106

Copyright: Author(s). This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.

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